Quick Start Applications Folder

Quick Start Applications Folder is a Launcher feature that allows commonly-used applications to be pinned to the home screen.


Quick Start Applications Folder is a Launcher feature that allows frequently-used applications to be pinned to the Home screen. It helps users save time from swiping through multiple pages of apps.

User Guide

  1. IT Administrators can define the settings for the Quick Start Applications Folder feature on the Enterprise Launcher Configuration page in the BlueFletch Portal.

  2. Alternatively, changes can also be made directly to the launcher.json file of the organization's preferred editor.

  3. This feature, like the Favorites application bar on a standard Android launcher, appears at the bottom of the home screen. It stays there while users scroll through their list of applications.

  4. The maximum number of apps that can be stored in the folder is determined by the number of columns of apps per page plus one.

  5. For example, if a device typically shows 3 columns of apps per page, then the folder can hold a maximum of 4 visible apps in the folder.

Feature Configuration

To set up the Quick Start Applications Folder feature for a particular device profile or device group, please follow the steps below:

Configuring the Quick Start Applications Folder

To identify a folder within any layout group as the Quick Start Applications Folder, set quickStartFolder to true. It will apply to a specific group only (e.g., if inside an ‘Associates’ group, it will only apply to layouts that include ‘Associates’).

"AssociateApps": [
        "label": "Quick Start Tools",
        "quickStartFolder": true,
        "contents": [ ... ] 

Note: Only one folder can be displayed on a Home screen so if multiple folders in a group have this setting as true, the first one on the list will be displayed on the Launcher.

You can also set up password protection for quickstart icons as described here.

Defining Icon Size

You can customize the size of the icons on the folder, whether they will be smaller, bigger, or of the same size as the rest of the icons. If empty, undefined, or invalid, this setting defaults to the standard icon size. The default configuration is shown below:

"quickStartIconSize": "normal"

Full Configuration

A sample full configuration for Quick Start Applications Folder is as follows:

"AssociateApps": [


        "label": "Quick Start Tools",
        "quickStartFolder": true,
        "contents": [


                "package": "com.bluefletch.launcher",
                "activity": "com.bluefletch.baselauncher.search.SearchActivity",
                "label": "Search"

Quick Start Applications Folder was introduced in Launcher v3.13.9.

Last updated