Password Protected Applications

Password Protected Applications is a Launcher feature that requires password entry before launching any application, shortcut, or folder.


Password Protected Applications is a Launcher feature that ensures only authorized users can access certain files, programs, or device settings. It requires users to enter a password before launching any application, shortcut, or folder. This helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized use and provides greater security for users.

User Guide

Password protection is crucial for businesses that need to safeguard important company files such as customer information or financial data. The Password Protected Applications feature helps secure corporate information or sensitive data on Android enterprise devices.

  1. When a user selects an item that is password protected, a dialog will open and prompt the user to enter a password.

  2. The user has 3 attempts at entering the password correctly before the dialog closes.

  3. After the dialog closes, the user can select the item again to enter the correct password.

Feature Configuration

To set up the Password Protected Applications feature for a particular device profile or device group, please follow the steps below:

Setting Up Password-Protected Items

To set up password-protected applications, shortcuts, and folders, administrators must add the password in the configuration using the SHA256 format:

"layouts" : {
    "Associates": [
            "package": "",
            "password": "d9b5f58f0b38198293971865a14074f59eba3e82595becbe86ae51f1d9f1f65e",

Password Protected Applications Feature was introduced in Launcher 3.13.24.

Last updated