Launcher can match certain values against regular expressions to customize intents and groups
Filtering of custom intents and definition of implied groups can be accomplished with and/or criteria and regular expressions (regex). A criterion checks the value stored in a replacement variable from the device, Launcher, the configuration file, or session object against a regex pattern to determine what device behavior or layout should apply in a specific scenario.
Technical Guide
Criteria Arrays
array Filters for instances where at least one field matches its pattern.
array Filters for instances where all fields must must match their respective patterns.
Both "criteria_OR" and "criteria_AND" arrays need to be included in an object, even if one is empty.
Criteria Object Parameters
string A replacement variable, written in the format "_${replacement variable}" (e.g. "_${device.MODEL}").
string The regular expression that is desired to match the field's content.
Criteria for Custom Intent Filtering
"intents": {
"boot": [
// Run a StageNow XML on boot for all device models starting with "TC":
"typeIntent": "p",
"action": "XML",
"data": "file/path/to/stageNowFile.xml",
"criteria_OR": [
"field": "_${device.MODEL}",
"pattern": "/^TC.*$/"
"criteria_AND": []
"cradle": [
// Rotate the Launcher to landscape on cradle for device models starting with "ET" or "CC":
"action": "com.bluefletch.launcher.ACTION_ROTATE_LANDSCAPE",
"typeIntent": "p",
"criteria_OR": [
"field": "_${device.MODEL}",
"pattern": "/^ET.*$/"
"field": "_${device.MODEL}",
"pattern": "/^CC.*$/"
"criteria_AND": []
// Mute audio on cradle if device is logged out (no user ID) and is at site 1001:
"action": "MUTE_AUDIO",
"typeIntent": "p",
"criteria_AND": [
"field": "_${session.userId}",
"pattern": "^_$"
"field": "_${config.ex.siteId}",
"pattern": "1001"
"criteria_OR": []
Criteria for Implied Groups
"impliedGroups" : [
// Display this group's layout if the session object's group name contains "Blue" or "BLUE":
"group": "ContainsBLUE_or_Blue_Group",
"criteria_OR": [
{ "field": "${session.groups}", "pattern": ".*Blue.*|.*BLUE.*" }
"criteria_AND": []
// Display this group's layout if the session object's passwordExpiration attribute contains one or more digits:
"group": "ContainsNumber_Group",
"criteria_OR": [
{ "field": "${session.ex.passwordExpiration}", "pattern": "[0-9]+" }
"criteria_AND": []
// Display this group's layout if the session object's group name ends with "Managers"
// OR the site ID is 1133:
"group": "EndsWithManager_Or_isSite113_Group",
"criteria_OR": [
{ "field": "${session.groups}", "pattern": ".*Managers$" },
{ "field": "${config.ex.siteId}", "pattern": "1133" }
"criteria_AND": []
// Display this group's layout if the session object's group name contains "VTV"
// AND the site name is "Pilot"
// OR if group name contains "Managers":
"group": "Pilot_VTV_And_Managers",
"criteria_AND": [
{ "field": "${session.groups}", "pattern": ".*VTV.*" },
{ "field": "${config.ex.siteName}", "pattern": "Pilot" }
"criteria_OR": [
{ "field": "${session.groups}", "pattern": ".*Managers.*" }