Application Usage History

This Support Application feature enables retrieval of application usage information for a specified date range.


Support Application provides a method for requesting a date range of Application Usage information from a device. The usage information will be reported using the event appusage_history. The event data will contain all applications used within the specified date range and the duration of time the applications were visible to the end user. This feature is supported on devices running Android 10 or above.

User Guide

  1. To generate the usage history event, you need to send an intent action of

  2. Include intent extras for 'begin' and 'end' to define the desired reporting range for the request.

  3. Use the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' (e.g., '2023-02-06') for both 'begin' and 'end' dates.

Feature Configuration

To set up Application Usage History for a particular device profile or device group, please follow the steps below:

Configuring with ADB Command

To generate and provide the application usage information for the specified date range with ADB, use the following example as a guide:

adb shell am broadcast -a -p --es begin "2023-01-01" --es end "2023-01-31"

Configuring with AirWatch Command

To generate and provide the application usage information for the specified date range with AirWatch, use the following example as a guide:


Configuring with SOTI Command

To generate and provide the application usage information for the specified date range with SOTI, use the following example as a guide:

sendintent -a "intent:#Intent;;;S.begin=2023-01-01;S.end=2023-01-31;end;"

Application Usage History was introduced in Support Application 5.15.x.

Last updated