Generating RxLogger Log Files

On Zebra devices, the BlueFletch Support Application now integrates with RxLogger. RxLogger can be started from the Portal or from the device's Support Application feature, and Portal admins can now retrieve and download the logs.

From The Portal

Beginning in version 5.19.4, Support Application automatically submits RxLogger files to the Portal when RxLogger is started from the Portal or the Support Application. If you are using an older version of Support Application, please adjust the launcher.json configuration according to the instructions in Configuring RxLogger File Uploads first before following the steps here.

  1. Select a device and navigate to the Device Actions menu. Click the RxLogger button.

  1. The user will then be directed to a separate page where they can specify the duration for which RxLogger should capture logs.

  1. Upon selecting a duration, RxLogger will start capturing logs on the device.

  2. Users can download the generated RxLogger log files via View Logs in the Portal.

From Support Application

The device-side Start RxLogger and Stop RxLogger buttons in this flow were introduced in Support Application 5.15.7.

  1. Locate and open the Support Application on your device.

  2. Navigate to the Dashboard within the Support Application. Look for the "RxLogger" button in the bottom left corner.

  3. Tap the "START RXLOGGER" button. RxLogger will begin collecting data, including events, crashes, device information, and system statistics. The capture duration is set to 5 minutes by default.

  1. You can tap "STOP RXLOGGER" at any time to end data collection early. Otherwise, it will stop automatically after 5 minutes.

  1. Tap the "SUBMIT DEVICE LOGS" button to generate logs and send the captured data to the Portal. A "Submitting Logs" message will appear on the screen.

  1. Once the logs are sent, you will see "Event Logs Sent" on the screen. Tap "OK" to close the message. The captured logs are now saved on your device. If Support Application 5.19.4 is installed on the device, the logs will also be available from the Portal.

  1. You can check the device folder to access the saved logs.

Configuring RxLogger File Uploads

RxLogger log files generated on user devices are uploaded to the BlueFletch Portal and can be accessed via the Request Logs and View Logs device actions on the Device Details page.

Starting in Support Agent 5.19.4, all RxLogger logs are submitted to the Portal by default if RxLogger is started from the Portal. The submitLogs parameter can be used to submit only specified RxLogger files. For prior Support Agent versions, the submitLogs object is required in order to retrieve logs from the Portal. Use the examples below as guides:

Submit all RxLogger files (Support Agent 5.18.7 and earlier):

"emsSupportTool": {
  "submitLogs": {
    "enabled": true,    
    "directories" : [
        "application": "rxlogger",
        "location": "/sdcard/RxLogger/",
        "files": ".*"

Submit only specified RxLogger files (Resource.csv and System.txt):

"emsSupportTool": {
  "submitLogs": {
    "enabled": true,    
    "directories" : [
        "application" : "rxlogger.resources",
        "location" : "/sdcard/RxLogger/",
        "files" : "(.*)Resource(.*)_+([1-9]|[0-9][0-9])+\\.csv",
        "extractor" : "rxloggercsv"
        "application" : "rxlogger.system",
        "location" : "/sdcard/RxLogger/",
        "files" : "(.*)System+([1-9]|[0-9][0-9])+\\.txt"

Last updated