Okta Setup

SSO - Identity Provider Setup

Configuring SSO in Okta

  1. Login to your Okta Portal. Your portal's link should resemble something like this: https://xxxxx.okta.com

  2. Click on Admin in the top right.

  3. Click on Developer Console dropdown in the top left, and select Classic UI.

  4. Click on Applications in the navigation bar.

  5. Click Add Application.

  6. Click Create New App in top right corner.

  7. Select "Web" from the Platform dropdown, and select "SAML 2.0" radio button for Sign on method.

  8. Click Create.

  9. Enter your desired App Name and click Next.

  10. Enter "https://ems.bluefletch.com/__/auth/handler" in the Single sign on URL field. This will also be auto-filled as the ACS URL (Callback URL) in your BlueFletch Portal SSO Configuration.

  11. Enter "saml.[organization's login domain for Azure]" (e.g. saml.bluefletch) for the Audience URI (SP Entity ID) field. This will also be Provider ID & SP Entity ID in your BlueFletch Portal SSO Configuration.

  12. If mapping Okta groups to Portal roles, add a group attribute statement named "Groups" (Portal's code checking for this variable is case-sensitive, so be sure it is spelled with a capital "G").

  13. Click Next.

  14. Select I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app.

  15. Click Finish.

  16. Retrieve the metadata XML from Okta to use in Portal Setup, or provide back to BlueFletch.

Last updated