Getting Started

Before you begin

  1. Request a free trial BFE account by emailing

  2. Once you have a BFE account, log into the BFE Portal using your account credentials.

  3. Follow the steps below to quickly get Portal up and running on your device.

About this task

This tutorial describes how to set up and activate BlueFletch Portal to manage your devices. The BlueFletch Portal installation process consists of several components, including the Portal application, configuration files, and other dependencies.

In the instructions below, you'll learn how to:

  • Log into BlueFletch Portal.

  • Log out from BlueFletch Portal.

  • Use the Forgot Password option.

  • Switch organizations.

  • Access account settings.

Log Into BlueFletch Portal

  1. In the navigation sidebar on the left, click on the user's information (first name and organization).

  2. Press Logout.

Log Out from BlueFletch Portal

  1. Navigate to

  2. Enter an email in the Email Address box, then select Continue.

  1. Enter the password and select Continue.

  1. Once logged in, the user will be navigated to the organization's default dashboard for the Support Agent tab. The user's first name and organization appear at the bottom of the left-side navigation bar.

Use the Password Option

  1. After entering the email address, press Forgot Password, directly below the password field.

  2. The user's email address, to which the password reset link will be sent, is displayed but cannot be edited now.

  1. In order to continue, the user must check the reCaptcha box. The reCaptcha will have to be re-checked after 60 seconds if the user does not proceed during that time.

  2. Pressing Continue will send the link to reset the user's password.

  3. Following the link in the email takes the user to a page to create a new password. Password requirements are listed and emphasized in red until the user enters and re-enters a password that meets all criteria.

The forgot password option can be accessed from the login page if the user knows the email address associated with his or her account but does not remember the password.

Switch Organizations

Click the user's name near the bottom of the navigation sidebar. If the user has alternative organizations to select, organizations will be displayed here.

The organizations most recently visited during that login session will be listed under Recent Organizations. All organizations the user has external accounts with can be accessed by pressing All Organizations.

Access Account Settings

Accessing Account Settings allows the user to edit their account information, select their personal default dashboard within an organization, and change their password. To open, click the user's name near the bottom of the navigation sidebar and select Account Settings from the menu.

Changing the User Information

  1. From the Account Settings page, edit the First Name, Last Name, or Phone fields.

  2. When finished editing, press Save Changes.

  3. A toast notification will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming the change.

  1. Logout of the BlueFletch Portal and log back in for changes to take effect.

Changing the Default Dashboard View

  1. From the Account Settings page, select the Default Dashboard dropdown menu.

  1. Select a new dashboard from the list, and confirm that the new dashboard name is populated in the Default Dashboard field.

  2. Press Save Changes.

  3. To view the new default dashboard, navigate to Support Agent - Home.

Changing the Password

  1. From the Account Settings page, enter the current password.

  2. Enter a new password. The password must be at least 8 characters long and include an uppercase letter, a number, and a special character. Confirm the new password and click Change Password.

  1. A toast notification will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming the change.

  1. If the user enters an invalid password or the passwords do not match, the password fields will be highlighted in red, and red text will display around them informing the user of the password requirements.


The Resources menu at the bottom of the navigation sidebar includes:

  • Documentation: Opens the BlueFletch Enterprise Documentation site in a new browser tab.

  • About: Displays a pop-up modal with software information about the BlueFletch Portal.

  • Terms: Opens the BlueFletch Portal terms and conditions in a new browser tab.

  • Privacy: Opens the BlueFletch Portal privacy statement in a new browser tab.

Last updated