Technical Guide

The BlueFletch Remote Control allows administrators to view and interact with mobile devices through the BlueFletch Portal, currently limited to Zebra devices and those with BlueFletch Platform Services integration. The application offers configurable settings to tailor permissions and meet specific security requirements.


Include the following settings in the remoteControl object within the Launcher Configuration file:



string Indicates device log level. Valid values are "debug", "info", or "error"; default is “info”. If this value is not set, Remote Control will read from the Launcher Configuration Settings "logLevel". Introduced in Remote Control version 2.72.


string Allows for setting screen points to automate a press of the video permissions button. Value are X,Y coordinates of the "ok"/"allow" button. e.g "1277,722"


string Allows for changing the host for the APIs that Remote Control uses. Talk to BFE customer success before changing this value.


boolean Indicates that the Twillio access token can be used. Default is false.


boolean Indicates that the device user can stop a remote session. Default is false.


boolean If value set to true, if a user is logged into a device, Remote Control will prompt the user to allow or deny remote control access. Default is false. Introduced in version 2.8.6.

The remoteControl object and all key-value pairs included in it, unless otherwise noted, were introduced in Remote Control 2.4.0 and Launcher 3.20.12.

Application Details

Package: com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent


Install package and apply the appropriate permissions.


com.bluefletch.ems.remotecontrol.ACTION_INIT to accomplish initial permissions setup. Only valid on Zebra devices. Is a one time intent.

com.bluefletch.ems.remotecontrol.ACTION_START to start foreground service to run, which will request video permissions.

com.bluefletch.ems.remotecontrol.ACTION_STOP to stop the foreground service and any remote capture processing.

Example ADB Command

adb shell am start -n com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent/com.bluefletch.ems.remotecontrol.MainActivity

Example AirWatch Command



For Android 10 and above, permission SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW is required for Remote Control to properly function.

Permissions via ADB

adb shell pm grant com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
adb shell pm grant com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
adb shell pm grant com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
adb shell pm grant com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW

Permission via SOTI

afw_set_permission_grant_state com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE allow
afw_set_permission_grant_state com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE allow
afw_set_permission_grant_state com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE allow
afw_set_permission_grant_state com.bluefletch.ems.emm.remoteagent android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow

Last updated