User Guide: Playbook MDM
The Devices subtab of Playbook MDM is focused on features for managing all of the organization's devices. From this page, a device administrator can see a list of all devices, monitor their compliance through the statuses of their plays, reallocate devices between deployment groups, and troubleshoot or manage individual devices through logs, forced synchronization, and a remote control platform.
Device List
From the main Devices page, an administrator can see a paginated list of all devices and can search by terms to filter the list. Search terms are listed in a tooltip when hovering the cursor over the search bar and are formatted as "deviceId:[device serial number]" to search by device ID or "name:[deployment group]" to search by deployment group, for example.
The Devices list has five columns by which to sort the data, many of which are also available for filtering within the search bar: Device ID, Brand/Model, Deployment Group, Last Device Sync (date and time), and Last Known (user ID, site ID, and IP address).
Each device is color-coded green or red to indicate its compliance status as compliant or non-compliant, respectively. Compliance is determined by whether or not all plays on the device were run successfully, which can be viewed in detail on a device's summary page. The list can be filtered to show only compliant or non-compliant devices through the filter icon within the search bar.
There are three buttons on the main Devices page for broad management of one or more devices from the list: Change Deployment Group, Remove Deployment Group, and Delete. All buttons are deactivated until at least one device in the list is check-marked.
Change Deployment Group moves the selected devices from one deployment group to another. The administrator selects the devices' new deployment group with the options in the Add Deployment Group selector.
Remove Deployment Group removes the selected devices from their current deployment group. These devices will need to be re-added to another deployment group in order to be actively managed again.
Delete removes devices entirely from their deployment group and the Devices list.
Clicking on a particular device ID proceeds to its Device Summary page, which contains more detailed information and features for manipulating that device individually.
Device Summary
The features available from a Device Summary page include:
a list of the device's product and analytical information, such as IP Address, OS Build, and First Reported Time.
a list of Plays on Device that provides the status of each play; this can help determine how a device got out of compliance.
an options menu containing the buttons Change Deployment Group, Remove Deployment Group, Request Application Log Uploads, View Uploaded Application Logs, Force Sync, Delete Device, Find Device, and optionally Remote Control, if the organization has requested that BlueFletch turn on that feature.
a Detailed Device View button which navigates to that device's Device Details Dashboard.
Request Application Logs Uploads prompts the device to upload each of its application logs. Once this is complete, all the device's logs will be listed if the user selects View Uploaded Application Logs.
Force Sync sends a message to the device forcing it to run the Playbook Agent's synchronization action which checks for any new plays, or plays that have been changed since the device was last synced, and runs them.
Remote Control opens a Remote Control window to view and virtually handle a device from the BlueFletch Portal. The device must have the BlueFletch Remote Control Agent application installed.
Find Device prompts the Support Application to chime and open an alert on the device requesting the user to return the device to a charger immediately.
Last updated