

The BlueFletch Chat application uses MQTT Messaging to enable text and voice communication between users located at the same site location.

User Guide

To use Chat, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the device is assigned a site / location within the Launcher.

  2. Log in through an authentication service on the Android device.

  3. View a list of all other users who are currently logged in or have recently logged out from the same site.

  4. Send and receive text messages between yourself and other users, including both device users and BlueFletch Portal users.

  5. If using a Zebra device, record and send audio messages to other device users using the Push-To-Talk (PTT) button.

Types of Messages

Text Messages

Text messages are the simplest and most commonly used form of communication within BlueFletch Chat. Users can quickly compose and send text-based messages to individuals or groups, facilitating immediate and clear exchange of information. This feature is intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring efficient communication throughout your team.

Image/Video Attachments

Image and video attachments enable users to share visual content seamlessly within BlueFletch Chat. By allowing the transfer of photos and videos, teams can provide visual context, clarify details, and enhance overall communication. This feature is particularly useful for sharing evidence, product images, or instructional videos, making interactions more dynamic and informative.

Voice Messages

Voice messages in BlueFletch Chat allow users to quickly record and send audio messages, providing a convenient alternative to typing. Users can start recording by pressing the mic icon on the chat screen or by holding down the PTT button on equipped devices. This feature offers flexibility, allowing for hands-free communication and enabling users to convey tone and nuance that text alone cannot capture.

Customizable Notification Sounds for Individual Contacts and Channels

BlueFletch Chat offers a feature that allows Organization Admins to customize notification sounds for individual contacts and channels, enhancing the user experience by providing personalized alerts for different types of messages. This feature can be configured using two specific options:

  • notificationSoundIndividual: This setting is used to override the default notification sound for chat messages received from individual contacts. Organization Admins can specify either a file reference or a Launcher asset to set a unique sound for notifications from specific individuals, making it easier to distinguish important messages at a glance.

  • notificationSoundGroup: Similar to the individual notification sound setting, this option is used to override the default notification sound for chat messages received from groups. By assigning different sounds to group messages, Organization Admins can quickly identify and prioritize communications from various channels or teams.

BlueFletch Chat Conversation Tabs

Three conversation tabs are available in the BlueFletch Chat application: Online, Channels, and Offline.

  • Online: Lists users that are currently logged in and can receive messages from the user.

  • Channels: Shows channels that users can access based on their roles.

  • Offline: Lists users that are currently logged out and cannot receive messages from the user.

A counter badge will be on display for each tab to notify users of unread messages. To refresh the data displayed on the user list screen, pull down from the top of the screen.

Conversation Status for Logged Out Users

Messages cannot be sent after the other user has logged off. The conversation will go into the Offline tab. When a user logs off, the conversation is removed from device. Upon logging back in, the user can start a new conversation with the same device user. Within a conversation, messages are timestamped, but the time is hidden by default. To show the time a message was sent/received, click on the message.

Device-to-Device Communication

Voice Calls and Video Calls

BlueFletch Enterprise Voice Chat elevates user communication by integrating the Twilio API, enabling seamless audio and video calls directly within the platform.

Audio Call Features

Mute Button: Allows audio muting during calls.

Select Speaker: Offers options to switch between different audio outputs.

End Call: Ends the call for all participants.

Other Username: Displays the name of the user on the call.

Video Call Features

Enlarged Video Display: Shows the other user's video in full screen with the current user's video displayed in a smaller window.

End Call: Includes a confirmation step before ending the call for all users.

Mute and Select Speaker: Similar functionalities as in audio calls.

Switch Camera: Option to toggle between front and back cameras.

Disable Video: Allows users to turn off their video feed.

Sending a Text Message on a Device

To communicate with another user, find their username in the list of active users and click on it to open a conversation. Type a message and click Send. The other user's replies will appear below your messages in the conversation.

Sending a voice message on a Device with PTT Button

  1. Hold the Push-To-Talk (PTT) button to start recording. While recording, an audio wavelength animation will display, tracking your voice changes.

  2. Release the PTT button when finished speaking.

  3. The device will stop recording and automatically send the audio file as an attachment to the conversation.

  4. Depending on the configuration of autoPlayAudio on the receiving device, the audio message may or may not automatically play upon receipt.

  5. In any case, the audio file can be played from the conversation by clicking the play button on the audio message.

Device Chat Management Through the Portal

Chat management is facilitated through the Portal, enabling the creation of communication channels and defining user roles for using the Chat application. For further information, please see the Portal Chat Manager.

Portal-to-Device Communication

To communicate with a device user from the BlueFletch Portal, you can follow these steps:

  1. Locate the device from the Home tab dashboard or from the Playbook MDM - Devices list.

  2. Open the Device Details page for the device.

  3. In the Device Information card, look for the last reported user on the device.

  4. Press the Chat button to open a messaging window.

  5. Begin sending text messages to the device user.

Once the administrator opens a Chat messaging window in the BlueFletch Portal, a device user can see the admin in the Active users and send a text message. However, audio attachments cannot be recorded or sent in a conversation with an admin on the Portal.

Last updated