Release Notes

Release 2.8.4

Released May 2024


Updates to the video permission request on Zebra devices.


  • Modified Zebra permissions for remote display.

  • Cleaned up the controller flow for requesting permissions and video connection.

Release 2.8.3

Released April 2024


Updated video permissions request logic on Zebra devices, and added support for extended desktop remote clicks.


  • Implemented support for Zebra's Video Delegation permissions. This allows for starting Video Capture and not having to 'press' the button.

  • Adjusted the sleep time before starting the click events.

  • Added logic to detect when the device is docked or undocked. Send a new DataTrack message with the updated screen dimensions.

Release 2.7.2

Released January 2024


Fixes to ensure proper shutdown of the Remote Control service.


  • Added support to allow setting the logging level either in Remote Control settings (logLevel) or from base Launcher settings logLevel.

  • Updated to the latest Crash Handler AAR.

  • Added null checks within the main service to ensure proper shutdown.

  • Updated the platform injectors to null out class variables to ensure proper usage in next invocation.

  • Added additional device logging.

  • Updated to the latest Platform AAR for Zebra device fixes.

  • Updated to the latest Play AAR that includes new security settings for the Download Manager.

Release 2.6.7

Released September 2023


Updated to allow for sending action status to Portal and various fixes.


  • Updated logic to allow for sending status information back to Portal.

  • Updated EMS Libraries to resolve Zebra uninstall application bug.

  • Updated file permission logic to handle requesting file permissions.

  • Updated to latest Playbook agent libraries to deal with missing package names on install action.

  • Added additional logging.

  • Changed the Remote Activity to ensure activity is properly dismissed.

  • Fixed Remote Control issues with the EDA10A devices.

  • Updated the Crash Handler AAR.

Release 2.5.3

Released July 2023


Support for Samsung devices (requires Launcher 3.20.x to be installed) and updates to permissions request flow.


  • Added Knox Key event injector.

  • Tweaks to the Samsung injection. Added a debug view method to display Video Record permissions activity.

  • Adjusted the Samsung video points.

  • Adjusted the names for key events that are sent for Samsung controls.

  • Updated logic to present a new UI to request file management permissions on Android 13 devices.

  • Added logic to replay last action after storage permissions given.

  • Support for sending the device reboot to the Launcher for a Samsung device.

  • Updated Remote Control to send the siteId and IP Address to the Portal.

  • Updates for displaying the Video Recording activity.

  • Added Support Library update.

  • Updated determine points logic for Android OS SDK 30 and above on non-Samsung devices.

Release 2.4.0

Released June 2023


Support for Android 11 devices and device API security. General fixes.


  • Fixed the SSL Socket factory logic for trusted certificates.

  • Updated logic to pass the API Key, Device ID, and Device Token to the Play Action library.

  • Consolidated configurations for new Remote Control settings.

  • Added code to allow for overriding the API host.

  • Added 'exported' to activity to fix start up issue on Android 11+.

Release 2.3.5

Released February 7, 2022


Updated underlying libraries for additional functionality and support.


  • Added the EMS exception handler library to report errors to the Support Dashboard.

  • Updated the Support library AAR and EMS exception handler AAR to newer versions.

  • Updated the project to use a newer Platform AAR that allows for setting permission differently.

Release 2.3.3

Released September 1, 2021


Added EMS exception handler library to report errors to Support Dashboard.

Release 2.2.9

Released March 26, 2021


Update to base code to allow Video Capture Only mode, support for more devices, and faster remote startup.

Release 1.1.1

Released December 17, 2020


Support for Android 10.


  • Android 10 support.

  • Fix string typos.

  • Update SDK version.

Release 1.0.18

Released November 2020


Initial production release of the remote control agent.

Last updated