Manage Roles
User Guide: Admin Tab
Manage Roles
An administrative user with permission to manage roles (for example, a user with the predefined "Admin" role) can create, edit, and delete custom roles or assign a role to one or more users from the Roles subtab within the Admin section of the BlueFletch Portal.
Create Roles
On the Roles page, press the Create New Role button in the upper right corner.
Enter content in the Role Name and Description fields. These fields are required.
Press Select Permissions button and check at least one permission from the list. A permission must be selected to create a role. Consult the Permissions document to determine if there are any prequisites for a permission; an error will occur on login for a user who is assigned a role that is missing permissions.
Press Select Users button and select one or more users, if desired. Selecting a user is not required to create a role.
Note: A role can also be applied to a user when adding or editing one in the Users subtab within Admin.
Press Create button to save the new role. The role will appear in the alphabetized list on the Roles page.
Edit and Delete Roles
On the Roles page, select a role from the list on the left and select Edit Role or Delete Role from the three-dot option menu.
If choosing to delete, an alert box will display prompting confirmation.
Only roles created by the organization may be deleted. Predefined roles cannot be deleted.
If choosing to edit, the screen will proceed to Edit Role page. Make any changes (as allowed, depending on the role) to the role and press Update button to save changes.
Last updated