Device Status
Device Status provides users a clear view of each device's status, ensuring they can easily identify and understand it at a glance. These statuses are organized under distinct tabs as follows:
Powered Off: The device is completely shut down and non-operational.
Idle/Off Cradle: The device is not in use, has been removed from its charging cradle, and no user is logged in.
Missing: Denotes devices unaccounted for or not found as expected. This status can also be manually set in the Dashboard dropdown.
Not Reporting: Indicates that the device has stopped sending data, exceeding the threshold defined in the configuration file (missingThresholdInHours in launcher.json).
Cradled: The device is docked in its designated charging station.
In Use: Signifies a device that is actively being used by a logged-in user while not cradled.
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