User Guide: Admin Tab
The Users subtab allows an administrator with Admin User Manage permission to manage the state of all the organization's BlueFletch Portal users. From here, an administrator can create and send activation emails to new users, edit or delete existing users, and send password reset emails to users who need help accessing their accounts.
Create & Activate Users
Press the Add User button in the upper right corner.
On the Create New User page, enter a valid email address for the user. BlueFletch Portal validates email addresses and will not allow a new user to be saved if the email address has any spaces or missplaced characters like double @ signs.
Enter a first and last name; these fields are also required to save the user.
Enter a phone number for the user (optional).
Select a default dashboard for the user from the dropdown (optional; if left unselected, the user's Home dashboard will be the organization default dashboard).
Select at least one role for the user by clicking Assign Roles button and selecting from the scrollable list. The selected role(s) will display in the Roles dropdown. A role is required to save a user.
Turn on Subscribe to Email Alerts switch for the user to get email alerts for events like low battery alerts on company-managed devices (optional).
Press Save. The new user will be displayed on the Users page with a status of Send Activation.
If more than one role was selected for the user, one role will be listed under Roles heading as well as a numeric icon indicating the total number of roles. Expanding the icon will list all the user's roles.
To send the user an automated email with a secure link to create his or her Portal password, press Send Activation button.
A toast will be displayed at the bottom of the Users page.
Technical Note
The Send Activation button invokes the Dataservices account/request-activation
endpoint, which will:
- Verify the user needs activation.
- Update the database with a token and expiration date.
- Send an email to the end user with a link to a unique password creation webpage.
The Create Password page invokes the Dataservices activate/{tokenid}/token
endpoint, which will:
- Ensure the token has not expired.
- Update the end user's account with the new password.
- Update the end user's account status to "Activated".
Edit Users
Within the three-dot options menu on a user card, press Manage.
On the Edit User page, the email address is part of the page header and cannot be edited.
The fields First Name, Last Name, Phone, Default Dashboard, Roles, and Subscribe to Email Alerts can be edited.
Upon pressing Save, page returns to user list. Any changes to name or roles are displayed in the user list.
Send Password Reset Emails
Within the three-dot options menu on a user card, press Password Reset.
The end user will receive an email with a link to a single-use Create Password URL.
The end user will be prompted to change his or her password and then directed to the Login page.
Technical Note
The Password Reset button invokes the Dataservices account/reset-password
endpoint, which will:
- Verify the user is activated.
- Update the database with a token and expiration date.
- Send an email to the end user with a link to a unique password creation webpage.
The Create Password page invokes the Dataservices activate/{tokenid}/token
endpoint, which will:
- Ensure the token has not expired.
- Update the end user's account with the new password.
Delete Users
Within the three-dot options menu on a user card, press Delete.
A confirmation alert modal verifies the intention to delete the user.
Press Delete in the confirmation modal.
The user will be removed from the list, and a toast will be displayed at the bottom of the Users page.
Last updated